Pointprobe® silicon AFM probes
Our Pointprobe® is a versatile silicon AFM probe for very high resolution AFM imaging and fits to all well-known commercial SPMs (Scanning Probe Microscopes) and AFMs (Atomic Force Microscopes). It consists of a single crystal silicon AFM cantilever with an integrated single crystal silicon AFM tip. The AFM cantilever and the AFM tip are supported by a single crystal silicon AFM support chip. True atomic resolution has been achieved by several research facilities in UHV using our Non-Contact / Tapping Mode AFM probes NCH and NCL.
The AFM probes of the Pointprobe® series are the most widely used and best known AFM probes worldwide. The product series comprises AFM probes for the widest range of applications. The Pointprobe® AFM probes are available with different coatings like Platinum-Iridium (PtIr5), Magnetic, Diamond or Gold.
Additionally we offer special AFM tip versions such as our SuperSharpSilicon™ for high resolution imaging or High Aspect Ratio AFM Tips for deep trench measurements.

Ultra-Short Cantilevers (USC)
NanoWorld® Ultra-Short Cantilevers (USC) for High-Speed AFM (HS-AFM) combine very small AFM cantilevers made of a quartz-like material which are designed for resonating at frequencies of up to 5 MHz and a very sharp and wear resistant High Density Carbon/Diamond Like Carbon (HDC/DLC) AFM tip.
In order to provide a suitable AFM probe for the complete range of high speed scanning applications, the Ultra-Short Cantilevers series consists of six different types of AFM probes divided in 2 categories.
The first category is mainly dedicated to dynamic mode AFM applications in air whereas the second category is mainly dedicated to AFM applications in liquid.

Arrow™ Silicon AFM Probes Optimized positioning through maximized
Our Arrow™ AFM probes are designed for easy AFM tip positioning and high resolution AFM imaging. They fit to all well-known commercial SPMs (Scanning Probe Microscopes) and AFMs (Atomic Force Microscopes). The AFM probe consists of an AFM probe support chip with an AFM cantilever which has a tetrahedral AFM tip at its triangular free end.
The AFM probe is entirely made of monolithic, highly doped silicon.
The unique Arrow™ shape of the AFM cantilever allows easy positioning of the AFM tip on the area of interest. Furthermore the Arrow™ AFM probe series also includes a range of tipless AFM cantilevers and AFM cantilever arrays.

Pyrex-Nitride AFM Probes
NanoWorld® Pyrex-Nitride AFM probes are designed for various imaging applications in contact or dynamic mode AFM. They fit to all well-known commercial SPMs (Scanning Probe Microscopes) and AFMs (Atomic Force Microscopes).
The NanoWorld® Pyrex-Nitride AFM probes consist of silicon nitride AFM cantilevers and AFM tips supported by an AFM support chip made of pyrex-glass.
Currently four different versions of Pyrex-Nitride AFM probes are available: AFM probes with rectangular AFM cantilevers, AFM probes with triangular AFM cantilevers, AFM probes with one single triangular AFM cantilever for PeakForce Tapping™* and ScanAsyst®* and AFM probes with triangular AFM cantilevers without AFM tips.